food science

Common Misconceptions about Food Science: Debunking Myths and Shedding Light on the Truth

As food scientists, we often encounter misconceptions about our field. These misconceptions can range from wild conspiracy theories to more subtle misunderstandings. In this article, we will explore some of the most common misconceptions about food science and provide accurate…

AI farming

The Power of Artificial Intelligence in the Food Industry: Enhancing Efficiency from Farm to Table

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the food industry from farm to table. AI technology is being applied to improve crop yields, optimize irrigation, monitor soil conditions, and increase efficiency in food processing and distribution. The potential of AI in the…

nutrigenetics myths

6 Common Myths About Nutrigenetics and Personalized Nutrition Debunked

Nutrigenetics and personalized nutrition are growing fields that aim to provide individuals with tailored dietary advice based on their genetic makeup. However, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding these topics that can lead to confusion and misinformation. In this…


Nutrigenetics: Revolutionizing Our Eating Habits Through Personalized Nutrition

Personalized nutrition has become a buzzword in the world of health and wellness. With advancements in technology, it is now possible to analyze an individual’s genetic makeup and tailor their diet accordingly. This approach to nutrition is known as nutrigenetics,…

food engineering

Food Engineering: Innovations and Advancements in Food Production

Food engineering is a field that applies principles of engineering, science and mathematics to the processing, production, handling, storage and distribution of food products. It is a multidisciplinary field that combines the knowledge of food science, microbiology, chemistry, physics and…

future of food engineering

The Future of Food Engineering: Innovations and Possibilities

The world of food engineering is constantly evolving, and the future looks brighter than ever. With the help of technological advancements, food engineers are finding innovative ways to improve food production, packaging, and preservation while ensuring food safety and sustainability….

food processing

Future of Food Processing: Trends and Predictions for the Coming Years

The food processing industry is an essential component of the global food supply chain, responsible for transforming raw ingredients into value-added food products that meet the demands of consumers. With the world’s population expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050,…

Food processing

The Latest Advances in Food Processing: New Technologies Transforming the Industry

The food processing industry has seen significant advancements in recent years, thanks to the introduction of new technologies. These technologies are revolutionizing the way food is produced, processed, and packaged, leading to improved food quality, safety and sustainability. From cold…

The Role of Blockchain in Ensuring Food Safety and Increasing Transparency
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The Role of Blockchain in Ensuring Food Safety and Increasing Transparency

Blockchain technology has been making waves in various industries, and the food industry is no exception. With the increasing concerns about food safety and transparency, blockchain technology is being explored as a potential solution to improve these issues. By using…

adenosine triphosphate


Adenosine triphosphate, commonly known as ATP, is a molecule found in all living organisms and is considered the energy currency of life. It is a small molecule that stores and transports energy within cells, making it essential for all cellular…



Vitamins are considered the essential micro compounds for the overall wellbeing of our bodies, along with minerals. In this blog post, we’ll explore what vitamins are, why they’re important, and some of the key functions of various vitamins in the…



Minerals are essential nutrients that are crucial for maintaining optimal health and wellness. They play various roles in the body, from building strong bones and teeth to maintaining healthy blood pressure and regulating fluid balance. In this blog post, we’ll…



One of the crucial compounds that are based on amino acids and protein structures are enzymes. Their importance lies in their role as catalysts, which means they make possible chemical reactions and also increase their rate without themselves being consumed…



Hormones are complex and essential chemicals that play a significant role in regulating various bodily functions. They act as messengers that send signals to different organs and tissues, affecting their growth and development, metabolism, mood and more. The most mysterious…



Fats have a reputation as bad guys in the biochemical processes of our bodies, mainly because of their impact on our cholesterol which reportedly is one of the causes of cardiovascular complications. There is a massive media chase against them,…