Welcome To Wise Intake

Hi, I’m Dragomir (And Yes, That’s Really My Name)

If Lord of the Rings had a third brother in the mix – you know, alongside Boromir (the one with the whole “one does not simply” meme) and Faramir (the dad’s-least-favorite-but-actually-survived guy) – I’d be him. But I’d be the smart one who looked at all that impending doom and was like “You know what? Middle-earth politics seem a bit intense right now. I’m gonna head out, maybe start helping drummers crush their performance through proper nutrition instead of fighting orcs.” Solid career move, if you ask me.

The Weird Mix That Makes This Work

Look, I’ve got this unique combo going: 25+ years behind the kit and 15+ years geeking out about food and supplements. Trust me, I’ve gone deep down both rabbit holes – like “staying up until 3 AM alternating between practicing paradiddles and reading research papers about obscure minerals” deep.

How This All Started (The Short Version)

You know how some people accidentally discover their passion? Well, I hit the drums first – loved it, lived it, breathed it. But then I kept running into this wall: why could some drummers play for hours while others (like my former self) were running out of steam halfway through the gig or practice session? That’s why I deliberately dove into the biochemistry of food, nutrition and supplements to figure out how to stop dragging myself through the playing time with my second energy drink.

(Side note: Nothing against energy drinks. They’re lifesavers sometimes. But maybe not as your only source of endurance during a three-hour show.)

Why I’m Obsessed With Helping Drummers

Here’s the thing – and if you’ve been drumming for a while, you know this – just “eating healthy” doesn’t cut it when you’re burning through calories like a machine gun through bullets during an intense performance. Your body needs specific support for what we do. Those lightning-fast bass drum patterns? The extended solos? The constant dynamic control? Yeah, that takes more than just a banana and some good vibes.

And let’s be real: When you’re in the middle of a gig or recording session, you can’t afford to hit that energy wall.

What I Actually Do

Think of me as your drumming nutrition coach – but one who actually understands that you don’t have time to prepare elaborate meals between rehearsals or take 20 different supplements at precisely timed intervals throughout your practice session.

I take all that complex nutritional science (and trust me, I love those scientific rabbit holes) and turn it into stuff that actually works for busy drummers who have, you know, real lives and actual gigs to play.

My “No BS” Policy

Look, the supplement industry is… well, let’s just say it’s got more snake oil than a vintage drum hardware collection has WD-40. I’ve spent 15 years in the food industry, seeing behind the curtain, and honestly, about 80% of what’s being marketed to is pure nonsense.

That’s why everything I recommend has to pass my “Would I take this before a three-hour gig?” test.

What You’ll Get Here

  • Straight talk about what actually works for drumming endurance (and what’s a waste of your money)
  • Solutions that fit into your crazy musician schedule (because who has time for complicated protocols between gigs?)
  • Evidence-based recommendations (but explained like we’re having a post-gig chat, not like I’m defending a dissertation)
  • Real talk about performance and stamina (because pretending it’s all about “practice more” isn’t helping anyone)

The Part Where I Get Real

Here’s the deal: I’m not here to sell you miracle pills or promise you’ll suddenly play like John Bonham. But I do know, after combining 25 years of drumming with 15 years of nutrition expertise, that the right nutritional strategy can give you serious staying power behind the kit.

And let’s face it – when the music’s flowing and you’re in the groove, the last thing you want is your body giving out before your creativity does.

Stay in Touch

Subscribe to my newsletter for regular insights. I share the good stuff here – the kind of information I wish someone had given me years ago when I was trying to figure out why I couldn’t make it through a full set without my arms feeling like lead.

“The best time to optimize your nutrition was when you started playing. The second best time is now.” – Ancient proverb I just made up

P.S. Yes, I still occasionally stay up way too late alternating between practicing new grooves and reading research papers about performance nutrition. No, neither my partner nor my neighbors don’t find either of these activities as fascinating as I do.