Welcome To Wise Intake

Hey, I appreciate you taking the time to visit this place and hang around with me.

Hi, I’m Dragomir, and first of all, I want to say I am the same as you.

Not in a literal sense, of course, we have different life stories, but I’m human, the same as you, who loves growth and personal development. I’m an advocate of fierce optimization of life processes, but at the same time feeling overwhelmed with the amount of available content and methods which tries to make our lives better and easier. Not to mention the relevance and authority of such sources who have become, to say the least, speculative, biased, and in the end untrustworthy. That is the real challenge that can easily cause yourself feeling paralyzed about who to put your trust in and whose advice to listen to.

I get you, I felt the same!

And that’s why I was dedicated to finding the solution to getting out of this entanglement. You may think that we are deeply stuck, one more approach would add just one more level of confusion to the whole problem, but I’m truly confident that the right way is to jump into the swamp, dive deep and swim out with the glass of filtered clean water that you can drink and feel safe while drinking it that you’re doing the right thing for yourself. I am the bringer of that glass and I want to extend my knowledge to you so you can filter the muddy water yourself.

This is the place where you can develop the skill of critical thinking and unbiased perspective, learning how to unconditionally trust no one, including myself, except your own self-developed way of thinking and observation.

Unbiased thinking

But why should you even listen to me at all?

My interest in food and everything we put in our bodies and on our skin came early in my age. After acquiring an master’s degree in food technology, processing and biochemistry I have spent 15 years in the corporate world of the food industry where I had a first-hand approach to all of the pros and cons of processing and production of food and cosmetics. Basically, I studied and worked in the area of food technology and product safety so I could understand and realize the virtues and flaws of such processes, but that wasn’t my intention when I began my journey on this path.

I believed that food technology could resolve the world’s hunger and can obtain enough food for every human being despite that it’s paradoxical to me as that should be the basic human need fulfilled after all of these centuries passed in our civilization. I’ve gone through a vicious circle of believing in science and technology, being totally disappointed and feeling deceived, and then making a full circle with giving credit to specific food technology protocols after all. 

Meanwhile, my interest in a holistic approach to human health led me to insatiably seek and try everything I could get my hands on

regarding sharpening the mind, optimizing metabolism and body mobility, and deepening awareness of the soul’s connection to nature and the higher realms. So I tested on myself different kinds of diets, like western, mediterranean, paleo, plant-based, vegetarian, vegan, keto, carnivore, and tried to get my own impressions of how my body feels and how it operates during those periods.  I’ve never had a problem with being overweight, honestly more with being underweight, which many would say I can consider myself lucky, so my motive has never been to lose or gain weight, but more to find out how my food intake affects my energy level.

When you put into the equation all other life protocols that can affect our states, like sleep, movement, exercise, stress tolerance, thought patterns, and meditations you get enough material for several lifetimes and the impression that the rabbit hole has no bottom.

And we come to the key part of the whole process, which is

the ability to separate the wheat from the chaff and that is something that I make it my mission to provide you as my devoted follower to establish in your own life.

Dragomir Markovic, Founder of Wise Intake

Food scientist

Product safety and quality management systems expert

with an MSc Engineering degree in food technology and processing