Why do we need biochemistry?

Whether you are aware of it or not, biochemical reactions are around you from the creation of the first forms of life and will be there long before you’re gone. Every living being that is around you and all the processes that allow it to grow, multiply, age and die are biochemical in their basic nature. Life, as we know it, depends on biochemical reactions and processes.

OK, all those processes exist without this fancy word and man-made science, but so far it is human’s best way to explain all those invisible beautiful processes in living beings that nature is constantly creating and incorporating in the world around us. And because of this intelligent design you surely every now and then have had those moments when you have sat back and have been fascinated by the automated process of billions of chemical reactions that were taking place in that very moment in your own body without any conscious involvement from your side. If you haven’t already, it’s definitely time to start.

Also, the medical relevance of biochemistry is significant and biochemical studies have illuminated many aspects of health and disease in various medical fields such as cell biology, physiology, immunology, microbiology, pharmacology, toxicology, and epidemiology, as well as the fields of inflammation, cell injury, and cancer.

Don’t you agree it would be awesome to know some cool details about how our bodies operate, how they are affected by the surroundings and what we intake and the way all living beings function?

Stay in the zone and keep exploring the articles below.

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